Founding Meeting 2006

Minutes of the first business meeting of the Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT)

Held at in conjunction with the Swedish Language Technology Conference at the Wallenberg Centre, Göteborg, on the 28th of October, 2006, at 12:15–12:30 after a preceding session at 11:30–12:15 where the constitution was thoroughly discussed by about 50 prospective regular members of the association. The constitution was unanimously agreed upon, and the participants of that session agreed unanimously to establish the association, and in particular the persons mentioned in the minutes of the business meeting of the NEALT agreed to be members of the association.

  1. Kimmo Koskenniemi (from Helsinki, Finland) opened the first Business Meeting of the newly founded Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT).
  2. Kimmo Koskenniemi was elected chairperson for the meeting.
  3. Fredrik Jørgensen (from Oslo, Norway) was elected secretary of the meeting.
  4. Stina Ojala (from Turku, Finland) and Hildur Jonsdottir (from Iceland) were elected to check the minutes of the meeting.
  5. Dues for Regular Members are 0 euros/year for Normal Regular Members and 0 euros/year for Student Members. Dues for Supporting Members are 200 (two hundred) euros/year.
  6. Election of the temporary Executive Committee, Nominating Committee and Auditors, whose term will end at the end of the next Business Meeting of the association to be held in Tartu, Estonia in May 2007. The following persons were elected to form the Executive Committee: Kimmo Koskenniemi as President, Eirikur Rögnvaldsson (from Reykjavik, Iceland) as Vice-president, Janne Bondi Johannessen (from Oslo, Norway) as Secretary, Joakim Nivre (Uppsala, Sweden) as Treasurer, Mare Koit (from Tartu, Estonia) as Editor in Chief and Inguna Skadina (from Riga, Latvia) as member of the committee. Robin Cooper (from Gothenburg, Sweden) was elected Auditor of the NEALT and Ruta Marcinkeviciene (from Kaunas, Lithuania) was elected Deputy Auditor of the Association. Torbjørn Svendsen (from Trondheim, Norway) and Daniel Hardt (Copenhagen, Denmark) were elected as members of the Nominating Committee. All elections were unanimous.
  7. The chairman of the Business Meeting closed the meeting.


Kimmo Koskenniemi (chairperson)Fredrik Jørgensen (secretary)
Stina OjalaHildur Jonsdottir

Appendix: the constitution of the Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT)