In the final session of NODALIDA-2005 in Joensuu on Saturday 21st of May 2005, there seemed to be general agreement on the potential usefulness of a Nordic association for language technology (e.g. in applying for funding or starting a journal). A working group was established to discuss the details and do the actual planning; its members, elected again by acclamation, are Kimmo Koskenniemi (chair), Janne Bondi Johannessen and Joakim Nivre. (See the minutes of the final session.)
To be presented at the NEALT Business Meeting, Tartu, May 26, 2007
NEALT was officially founded October 28, 2006. It was registered with the Swedish Tax Authorities (Skatteverket) December 6, 2006. A bank account for NEALT was opened in Handelsbanken January 23, 2007. NEALT had no financial transactions during the fiscal year 2006.
During 2007, five supporting members have joined NEALT paying their membership dues of 200 EUR each, which has generated a total income to NEALT of 9160.98 SEK. The only cost so far is the annual cost connected to the bank account, which is 486 SEK. The current balance on the NEALT account is thus 8674,98 SEK.