Agenda of the business meeting
The Agenda of the Business Meeting
- Election of a chairperson of the meeting.
- Presentation of candidates for the new NEALT Board
- Election of the secretary of the meeting.
- Election of two members to check the minutes of the meeting.
- Establish if the meeting has been properly convened,
- Presentation of the President’s Report,
- Presentation of the Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report and Membership Report 2014,
- Presentation of the accounts Auditor’s report 2013-2014,
- Adoption of the reports and accounts,
- Establishing the annual Membership Dues for the following two years for each type of Member: Supporting Members and Regular Members of two types, Normal Members and Student Members,
- The election of the members of the Executive Committee of the Association (including the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor in Chief and other positions) as needed and on the basis of thenominations for the years 2016 - 2017 by the Nominating Committee and_Regular Members_.
- Election of one accounts Auditor and one Deputy Auditor.
- Announcement of the next meeting venue.
- Any other business which has been proposed to nealt-ec before the meeting.
-- BolettePedersen - 2015-05-13