Agenda of the business meeting

The Agenda of the Business Meeting

  1. Election of a chairperson of the meeting.
  2. Presentation of candidates for the new NEALT Board
  3. Election of the secretary of the meeting.
  4. Election of two members to check the minutes of the meeting.
  5. Establish if the meeting has been properly convened,
  6. Presentation of the President’s Report,
  7. Presentation of the Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report and Membership Report 2014,
  8. Presentation of the accounts Auditor’s report 2013-2014,
  9. Adoption of the reports and accounts,
  10. Establishing the annual Membership Dues for the following two years for each type of Member: Supporting Members and Regular Members of two types, Normal Members and Student Members,
  11. The election of the members of the Executive Committee of the Association (including the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor in Chief and other positions) as needed and on the basis of thenominations for the years 2016 - 2017 by the Nominating Committee and_Regular Members_.
  12. Election of one accounts Auditor and one Deputy Auditor.
  13. Announcement of the next meeting venue.
  14. Any other business which has been proposed to nealt-ec before the meeting.

-- BolettePedersen - 2015-05-13