Business Meeting 2021


Agenda of the business meeting

  1. Election of a chairperson for the meeting.
  2. Election of the secretary for the meeting.
  3. Election of two members to check the minutes of the meeting.
  4. Establish if the meeting has been properly convened.
  5. Presentation of the President’s report. 
  6. Presentation of the Treasurer’s Annual Financial and Membership Reports.
  7. Presentation of the accounts Auditor’s report.
  8. The NEJLT journal by the NEALT editor-in-chief.
  9. SIGs.
  10. Adoption of the reports and accounts.
  11. Establishing the annual Membership Dues for the following two years for each type of Member: Supporting Members and Regular Members of two types, Normal Members and Student Members.
  12. Presentation of candidates for the new NEALT Board. Suggestion by the nominating committee is available through the NEALT website: NEALT nominations for the years 2022–2023
  13. The election of the members of the Executive Committee of the Association including the President, the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor in Chief (and other positions as needed) on the basis of the nominations by the Nominating Committee and Regular  Members.  
  14. Authorisation: Giving the President and the Vice-President authorization to sign the name of the Association in all matters, and the Treasurer  the right to sign the name of the Association in financial transactions.
  15. Election of one accounts Auditor and one Deputy Auditor. Suggestion by the nominating committee is available through the NEALT website: NEALT nominations for the years 2022–2023
  16. Announcement of the next meeting venue. NoDaliDa 2023.
  17. Other business which has been proposed to the NEALT executive committee before the meeting.

NEALT President's report 2020–2021

The Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) was founded in Gothenburg on October 28, 2006 to promote research, cooperation and development activities in language technology in Northern Europe. NEALT is registered as a Swedish association with a Swedish bank account. The University of Oslo maintains the official NEALT website for the association and a registry of members of the association. At the time of writing, the organization has over 200 registered members, an increase by over 10% since the last president report in 2019.

NEALT membership report 2021

By March 2021, NEALT has 182 registered members from 21 countries

Distribution of members by country:

Distribution of members by country

  • Sweden: 53
  • Finland: 37
  • Norway: 28
  • Denmark: 16
  • Latvia: 8
  • Iceland: 6
  • Estonia: 6
  • Russia: 3
  • France: 3
  • Lithuania: 3
  • Switzerland: 3
  • Bulgaria: 2
  • Germany: 2
  • The Netherlands: 2
  • Spain: 2
  • UK: 2
  • USA: 2
  • Belgium: 1
  • China: 1
  • Greenland: 1
  • Ireland: 1