NEALT has over 200 regular members from 20 countries, mostly from Europe.
We invite as a member any person interested in language technology and with an affinity to the Nordic countries (Denmark including the Faroe Islands and Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden), the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), and Northwest Russia.
We invite all companies and institutions that are interested in language technology to become supporting members of NEALT. The cost is EUR 250 per year.
The supporting members are important to fund travel support for the NoDaLiDa conferences. These conferences are held every second year (since 1977), and are important for students, researchers and business to meet, present their work and learn about new research and development in a field. While the NoDaLiDa conferences were originally Scandinavian-Nordic (the name originates from: Nordiske Datalingvistikkdagene – The Nordic Computational Linguistics Days), they now also include the Baltic states and North Russia, i.e., the whole of North Europe. Conference presenters, including students, from the more recently included countries often have problems finding funding to participate. At present, membership fee by the supporting members go to funding this kind of participation at the NoDaLiDa conferences.
Nordic and North European language technology is a very important field to support democracy and national – and sub-national – identity, since without special efforts, these countries will only be presented with computer programs and software generally in a language which, in our part of the world, is nobody’s mother tongue.
In return for a supporting membership we offer the opportunity to have the logo of each supporting members on the home page. In addition, the members will be mentioned and thanked officially at the official and open business meetings, which are held in connection with NoDaLiDa. Supporting members can also get special opportunities for presenting themselves at the conferences.