
The Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa) addresses all aspects of computational linguistics, natural language processing, speech recognition and synthesis, including language resources, as well as work in closely related neighbouring disciplines (such as, for example, linguistics or psychology) that is sufficiently formalized or applied to bear relevance to speech and language technologies.

The proceedings are published as part of the NEALT Proceedings Series by LiU Electronic Press and are also hosted by the ACL Anthology.


2520252-5 MarchTallinn, EstoniaProceedings · Website
24202322-24 MayTórshavn, Faroe IslandsProceedings · Website
23202131 May–2 JuneReykjavik, IcelandProceedings · Website
22201930 Sep–2 OctTurku, FinlandProceedings · Website
21201722-24 MayGothenburg, SwedenProceedings · Website
20201511-13 MayVilnius, LithuaniaProceedings · Website
19201322-24 MayOslo, NorwayProceedings
18201111-13 MayRiga, LatviaProceedings
17200915-16 MayOdense, DenmarkProceedings · Website
16200725-26 MayTartu, EstoniaProceedings
15200520-21 MayJoensuu, FinlandProceedings · Website (
14200330-31 MayReykjavik, IcelandNo proceedings produced
13200121-22 MayUppsala, SwedenProceedings
1219999-10 DecTrondheim, NorwayProceedings
11199828-29 JanCopenhagen, DenmarkProceedings
10199529-30 MayHelsinki, FinlandProceedings
919933-5 JuneStockholm, SwedenProceedings
8199128-30 NovBergen, NorwayProceedings
7198927-28 JuneReykjavik, IcelandProceedings
619873-4 NovCopenhagen, DenmarkProceedings
5198511-12 DecHelsinki, FinlandProceedings
419833-4 OctUppsala, SwedenProceedings
3198122-23 OctTrondheim, NorwayProceedings
219799-10 OctCopenhagen, DenmarkProceedings
1197710-11 OctGothenburg, SwedenProceedings
Older volumes before 2007 were collected and digitized by Beáta Megyesi, Jussi Karlgren, and Nils Blomqvist.